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Discover our Q1 2024 Minor Improvements


2 Apr 2024 · Written by Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Here are the other product enhancements of the quarter, in addition to the major innovations released in the last three months.

These Q1 2024 minor releases cover three Batch Customer Engagement Platform pillars:

  • Single Customer View;
  • Marketing Automation;
  • Cross-Channel Messaging.

Single Customer View enhancements

The Single Customer View pillar aims to centralise all marketing data into a unified customer view, facilitating personalised communications across all channels.

Display new email subscriptions

On the Profile View, Batch users can now monitor the number of new email marketing subscriptions in the last 30 days. This feature helps Batch users better understand their email reach and spot some potential anomalies more quickly.


Marketing Automation enhancements

The purpose of this Marketing Automation pillar is to allow Batch customers to efficiently automate, segment, and orchestrate all customer engagement scenarios across all channels.

Multistep Automations experience improvements

We've improved our Multistep Automations to optimise Batch users’ engagement strategies.

Previously, receiving a new event could restart an end-user's journey within an Automation - this is no longer the case.

After a first message step, new events will no longer reset the Automation. This ensures that once a person is engaged, their progress is uninterrupted, providing a smoother and more predictable experience.

This update simplifies the Automation process, which is particularly beneficial for scenarios like Cart Abandonment, where initial engagement is critical. We've also refined our terminology - "Multi-Triggers" are now named "Parallel Automations" (see below), a change that better represents their functionality and aims to improve clarity.


Automation Builder UX improvements

We're excited to share significant user experience enhancements within the Automation Builder:

  • Optimised navigation: The Sidesheet, the left-side appearing panel for editing step details, now opens alongside the canvas. With smoother transitions and animations as you interact with the Automation Builder, this update keeps the step's context visible, enabling quicker navigation and easier addition of new steps.

Besides, changes in the Sidesheet are now instantly applied, removing the need to hit the "Done" button. While the "Done" button remains as a method to close the Sidesheet, you can navigate freely without fear of losing changes. Remember, clicking on the final "Save automation" button is still required to secure all modifications.

  • More intuitive error identification: Now, incomplete steps are flagged directly within the Builder and detailed in the Sidesheet, making it easier to identify and address issues.

Targeting capacities enhancements

  • Allowing paste values on multi autocomplete fields: in our recent update, we've improved the user experience for Batch with a new feature in targeting fields that support multiple selections, like preferred store identifiers. Previously, users had to select each field individually. Now, they can paste a comma-separated list directly into the multi-autocomplete fields, enabling immediate selection of multiple items.

  • Adding last/next anniversary for date attributes: we've introduced in Email targeting a new feature to leverage date attributes, such as contract anniversary. This enhancement enables precise targeting based on specific dates, such as reaching out to individuals whose anniversary date is today or will occur in X days.

Other Batch Dashboard optimisations

  • Save incomplete Email Campaigns: like for the Batch Email Automations, it’s now possible to save an Email Campaigns as soon as it has been named. This feature not only facilitates collaboration between multiple users to simultaneously work on different aspects of a Campaign, but also supports the Replicate Orchestrations across Projects feature.

  • Label creation capping: in our latest Batch dashboard update, we've capped label creation at 500 making the "add label" option unavailable beyond this limit for enhanced stability and performance.

Cross-Channel Messaging enhancements

The purpose of the Cross-Channel Messaging pillar is to help you centralise, personalise, and distribute your communications across all CRM channels from an all-in-one interface.

Email Composer Improvements

  • Company-Level Custom Modules: this will enable Batch users to save email headers and footers in a pre-production project and reuse them in production.
  • Localised confirmation unsubscribe pages: The Batch unsubscribe landing-page now supports FR, DE, ES, and EN, adapting to the end user's browser language.

  • Improved UI: Easily drag and drop your email .zip templates into the Email Composer.


In-app messaging results CSV exports: A/B versions split are now available

Batch users can now split your data by A/B versions when exporting In-app messaging results into CSV. This update provides a clearer analysis of your A/B tests, giving you better insights into each version's performance. For more details on the A/B Testing on In-app messaging, read the dedicated release note.

Messaging analytics: Dashboard insights access improvements

  • Expanded data range for Trigger Automation statistics: our teams have increased the data retention period for Trigger Automation statistics from 30 to 120 days. Now, when retrieving campaign data for a Trigger Automation, Batch users have access to four times more historical data, enhancing your insight and decision-making capabilities.

  • Enhanced detailing for transactional messages: we've raised the detail grouping threshold for transactional messages from 50 to 250 lines. Now, Batch users will get more detailed insights before data is summarised under "others," improving clarity in their message analytics.

Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Product Marketing Manager @ Batch

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