Although launched several years ago, web push notifications are still under-used. However, they constitute a powerful channel for taking your engagement rates sky high!
Web Push notifications can be sent from a brand to its customers and prospects on their desktop and mobile web browsers.
Currently, only 3% of sites use them!*
Web Push technology works on both desktop computers and mobile devices, however traffic comes predominantly from mobile devices.
Send your users notifications when their web browser is open, even when inactive.
Make the most of single opt-ins to quickly create new addressable databases.
Engage with prospects even when anonymous, without requiring their email address or other contact information.
Don’t worry about consent issues, which are fully managed by the browser, and a 100% cookie-free channel.
Visit rates 15 times higher than with email marketing
A mean opt-in rate of between 5 and 15%, depending on the industry
On the web, the most contextual Push notifications can achieve 20% clickthrough rates. The more targeted the message, the more it is relevant.
Display notifications in the upper or lower right-hand corner on the desktop screen, just like mobile App Push notifications
Use Web Push notifications suitable for browsers and the receiving OS.
Make the most of notifications that support rich formats on Chrome - which accounts for 70% of the browser market.
Use various formats for each browser, and images of your customisations.
Assess the economic impact on the whole conversion funnel.
Use the opt-in trigger technology that makes all the difference.
Optimise your opt-in rate by 60% compared to the market.
With Batch, the French DIY firm Castorama acquired a new addressable database of nearly 2 million contacts in only 3 months!
Batch saves you time!
“We are very happy with the platform’s user-friendliness, but more importantly, with the constant support in terms of answering our questions, implementing new features and rolling out our app push, Web Push and In-App notification traffic strategies”.
Connect with us & try Batch for free.
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