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Legal Notice

The current website (the “Website”) is fully owned by IMEDIAPP SA ( with capital of 50 626,74€, registered at Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 525 279 600, with registered office 43 rue Beaubourg, 75003 Paris, VAT ID number FR92525279600 (email:, phone : +33 (0) 1 82 83 71 42).

The publication director of this website is Simon Dawlat, in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Website is hosted by OVH, a French “société par actions simplifiée” with capital of 10.069,20 €, registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419, with registered office 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix, subject to value-added tax under number FR22424761 419. Phone number : 1007

The User acknowledges having read the present legal notices and undertakes to comply with them. The User acknowledges having been perfectly informed that his agreement to these general conditions does not require the handwritten signature of this document, but result from the single consultation of the Website.

Obligations / Liability of the User

The User shall not:

  • communicate informations:

  • false, imprecise or misleading;

  • defamatory, slanderous or libellous;

  • infringing copyrights, patent rights or trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights, rights of disclosure or privacy of others;

  • who infringe French law and/ or applicable legislation;

  • containing viruses such as Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;

  • trying to mislead third parties by usurping the name or corporate name of other persons or damaging the reputation of other persons and/or pretending to be someone else or an employee, or a service affiliated or an affiliate of Batch;

  • disrupt, slow down, stop or alter the normal flow of informations exchanged in connection with the Website;

  • gain unauthorized access, maintain, interfere with or disrupt the information systems of Batch and in particular servers, networks connected to the Website, or refuse to comply with any requirements, procedures, general rules or regulatory rules applicable to networks.

The User agrees to respect relevant legal provisions applicable to the information circulating on the Internet and/or the Website and remains, in all cases, responsible for possible infringements of rights of third parties which could result from his use of the Website. The sole User is responsible of his legal, contractual or judiciary ability for the access and/or the use of the Website. As such, by using the Website, the User acknowledge that he does not infringe legal, regulatory and/or judiciary provisions. The User undertakes to use the Services and the Website in accordance with the public order, public security and morality. In any events, the User remains solely responsible to any infringement of the public order, public security and morality resulting from the use of the Website.

Generally, the User guarantee Batch from any complaint and/or claim which may be made to it and undertakes to bear the total amount, damages, fees, lawyer’s fees and expenses which Batch may be ordered to pay.


The general structure, as well as the software programs, texts, images (animated or not), sounds, know-how, and all other elements parts of the Website are the exclusive property of Batch or its partners.

Any total or partial representation of this Website, without the express authorization of the operator’s Website is forbidden and would constitute an infringement punishable under articles L. 335-2 and further of the Intellectual Property Code.

The trademarks of Batch and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the Website are brand names (semi-figurative or not) and are registered trademarks. Any total or partial representation of these trademarks or logos on the basis of the elements of the Website without the express authorization of the Website’s operator is forbidden under article L. 713-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property.

These general conditions do not in any way assign any type of intellectual property rights to the elements belonging to Batch, or his rightful owners, such as the sounds, videos, photos, images, literary and artistic works, software, trademarks, graphs, logos for the User. Any use, without explicit prior written consent of Batch is forbidden and constitute an infringement.


The Website and all its content and materials are provided “as is” and without warranties, especially warranties of future performance. Batch excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any warranties. In this regard and in particular, Batch does not warrant that the Website will operate all the time or will operate error free or free of defect. In this context, it is reminded that access to the Website may be suspended temporarily for maintenance reasons, or in the case of force majeure. In case of temporarily or permanent suspension of the Website, the User can not under any circumstances request about damages or compensation of any kind.

It is reminded that (i) the transfer of data on the Internet is not fully reliable, those circulating on networks heterogeneous, offering different technical characteristics and capabilities that can occasionally disrupt or prevent access during the day and have an impact on download delays or access to the data, (ii) Internet is an accessible open network, consequently the informations are not protected from risk of misuse, intrusion on your personal computer, hacking of data, programs and files of your personal computer, viruses, (iii) is it up to the User to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from the contamination by any virus or other forms of attack. Therefore, Batch shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from the access, use or unavailability of the Website, and especially for any loss of data, program, contamination by any virus, financial and/or commercial damages and loss of brand image. In every case, and to the extent permitted by law, Batch may be held liable only on duly proved and exclusive fault within 12 months following the date of the operative event, and is limited to the amount of the invoices cashed by Batch the last 12 months. Batch may perform maintenance operations and update during which products and services will not be available. In particular, Batch may add or remove functions, modify the layout of the tool, or insert promotional or not links.

© Batch – Updated: March 8th 2024