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Boost your Customer Engagement with Batch's Q3 2024 Feature Updates


8 Oct 2024 · Written by Laure Piekielko

As the summer ends and the busy season begins, Batch is excited to introduce a new fresh set of features for Q3 2024.

These new features are designed to help you refine your customer engagement strategies, streamline your operations, and deliver more personalized interactions across multiple channels. Whether you’re fine-tuning your campaign orchestration, improving your automation workflows, or enhancing your targeting efforts, this quarter’s updates equip you to optimize every step of the customer journey.

Let’s explore the features released this quarter, and how they can help elevate your marketing campaigns, making them smarter and more effective.

What you'll learn?

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how Batch’s latest Q3 2024 updates can enhance your marketing efforts.

You’ll discover new ways to orchestrate campaigns across multiple channels, refine automation workflows, and sharpen your targeting strategies. Plus, we’ll explore how improved analytics and SDK updates can provide the insights and tools you need to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

Each section is packed with practical tips to help you leverage these new features for more personalized and impactful customer engagement.

Omnichannel orchestration

Batch has expanded its orchestration capabilities, making managing and delivering personalised messaging across multiple channels easier than ever. Helping you deliver the perfect messages at the right time and on the right channel for your customer.

Multi-Language Management on all channels


Whether your campaigns target different countries or diverse linguistic groups, you need to ensure that your message is understood by everyone. The new multi-language management system now supports email, SMS, and automation flows. This feature simplifies integrating translations across all channels, making your campaigns more inclusive and effective.

SMS in Campaigns


SMS is now fully integrated across all types of Orchestrations, enabling you to reach customers in European countries as part of one-shot or recurring campaigns. This addition makes SMS a key player in your marketing strategy, allowing you to engage users in real-time and create a more versatile, multi-channel approach to your customer interactions.

Enhanced Automation Builder

Automation is at the core of any scalable marketing operation. This quarter, Batch's Automation Builder has become more refined, giving you greater flexibility and precision in personalizing messages and automating customer journeys.

Multi-Product personalisation


Tailor your messages to reflect the exact products your users engage with. Whether it’s a cart reminder featuring multiple items or a personalized order confirmation, this feature makes your campaigns feel more relevant and personalized, helping you get better results with more meaningful interactions.

“Wait Until” in Automation Builder


Timing is everything. By selecting the optimal time for your audience, you can significantly improve open and click-through rates. This feature allows you to precisely control when your messages are sent, enabling A/B testing based on sending times.

Quiet Days in Automation Builder


The new Quiet Days feature lets you control your messaging calendar. Complementing the Quiet Hours feature, this update ensures that your users only receive messages during the most appropriate times, improving user experience and reducing the risk of overcommunication.

Precise targeting and segmentation

Targeting the right audience is crucial to ensuring campaign success. This quarter, Batch has introduced new features that improve how you target and segment your user base.

Navigation update - Profiles Tabs


With increasingly advanced uses for profiles and segment management, a new “Profiles” section has been added to the dashboard tabs. Centralizing all users information in a clearly identified section. It enables you to easily manage all components related to user database visualization, segment creation, audience import, GDPR requests management and Profiles View.

Saved Segments


The new “Segments” feature now allows you to create dynamic, real-time user segments. This means your orchestration can automatically adapt as your users' behavioral changes, ensuring your messaging stays relevant and personalized. Additionally, exporting these segments in CSV format makes integrating third-party tools easier.

Advanced Analytics

Having the right analytics tools is key to optimizing your strategies. Batch has enhanced its analytics capabilities to give you deeper insights into your audience's behavior and campaign performance.

Email performance by mailbox


Gain deeper insights into how your emails perform across different mailbox providers, allowing for more precise campaign result analyses. It also helps resolve delivery issues by pinpointing performance discrepancies and getting the open-machine ratio per mailbox provider.

Profile Analytics for push notifications


Push notification data is now integrated into your Profiles Analytics dashboard, providing a comprehensive view of your audience across SMS, email, and push notifications. This centralized view helps you refine your cross-channel strategies and ensures your messaging is as impactful as possible.

Volumes Overview


Access to the volume of MAPs (monthly active profiles) and email sent directly in your billing section, to understand your usage, to understand your usage.

SDKs, plugins & APIs updates

Keeping your tools updated ensures you have access to the latest capabilities. This quarter, Batch has introduced important updates to our SDKs, API, and plugins, making sure you can fully leverage our latest features

Push Campaign via API


Batch’s Campaign API now supports launching push notifications across both iOS and Android devices in a single API call, speeding up your workflows. By enabling easier push campaign launches directly via API, you can achieve more consistent and efficient cross-platform messaging.

Open Data Collection for iOS via Web SDK

Batch now offers more comprehensive data collection from iOS devices via our Web SDK, giving you deeper insights into user behavior and enabling you to build more accurate customer profiles. This helps improve the precision of your targeting and engagement efforts.

Plugins Update

Both the Flutter (V2) and Cordova (V6) plugins have been updated, aligning them with our latest SDKs. These updates ensure that your apps built with Flutter and Cordova can take full advantage of the latest features and improvements in our native SDKs.

Elevate Your Customer Engagement with Batch’s Q3 2024 Updates

This quarter’s updates are designed to give you greater control, precision, and insights across every aspect of your customer engagement strategy.

Whether it’s refining your messaging with improved segmentation, enhancing your orchestration capabilities across multiple channels, or making data-driven decisions with better analytics, these new features empower you to create more complex and relevant activation scenarios.

Now is the time to explore these new capabilities.

Log in to Batch today and see how they can help you build more meaningful, personalized, and high-performing marketing campaigns.

Laure Piekielko

Head of Marketing @ Batch

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