Batch makes the exclusive Google Play SDK Index list

Data & Tech

3 Jun 2022 · Written by Arnaud Barisain-Monrose

This year, the Google I/O developer conference came with a big surprise as we had the pleasure to make Google’s new SDK Index.

As Google puts it, the newly created SDK Index « helps you choose the right SDKs for your app ».

Featuring the 80 most widely used commercial SDKs in the world, it is a public repository packed with tons of datas and insights that helps anyone navigate the world of SDKs in order to build better, safer Android apps.

And yes, Batch made this list (in the Marketing and Engagement, Analytics, and of course Push Notifications category). We even got highlighted during the I/O conference with our little logo appearing on screen at 3:00 in this official video.

You can visit our official pageright here.

Our commitment to SDK excellence—since 2015

Now for context, were truly delighted to see Google work towards establishing closer ties with leading SDK providers.

In the history of App Stores, actual app developers have always gotten most of the attention from the platforms.

But now, with the average Android app implementing 15.6 separate SDKs (as per Wikipedia) and a recent Google study showing that more than 80% of most app's code is actually made up of SDK libraries, the tide could be turning.

What's in the Index

And that's great new for anyone using the Batch SDK since getting more advanced tools & data only accelerates our mission and reinforces our commitment towards building a start-of-the art, lightweight and non-intrusive SDK.

And that commitment is now very visible.

For example, brands and developers can now see on our official Index page how few permission our SDK actually requires (spoiler: 3), or SDK version adoption across 2,4 billion worldwide SDK installs since we started Batch in 2015.

Most importantly — ! humble brag alert ! — anyone can now witness our impressively strong >95% 12-months retention rate which is an incredible third-party-certified testimony to the added value and overall quality of the product we build and litterally got our team jumping out of their seats when we discovered it.

There's more

Our mobile engineering team is also getting some less visible love from Google, since the Google Play SDK Console (the private monitoring interface for SDK developers) we've come to use on a regular basis is also getting some cool upgrades this year, such as:

  • New tools to reference our SDK and manage information appearing on the Index.
  • Access to new usage and crash reporting data that may occur,
  • A communication module with brands and app developers

Finally, what it means for our clients

In the end, this is the latest item in a long streak of observables proofpoints underlining our value-based go-to-market methodology, relying on our Top 10 Differentiators, such as:

  • N°5 — Truly Mobile-First and Easy to Implement → clients choose Batch for our robust and wildly popular mobile SDKs, overall ease of use and push notification expertise,

  • N°7 — Enterprise-Ready → major clients — such as banking institutions, leading retailers or national media outlets — will only integrate widely distributed, higly QA-ed SDKs that they can due diligence (aditionnally ours have even been open-sourced for maximal transparency),

  • N°9 — Continuous Innovation → we're constantly evolving our SDKs to match the lastest market requirements and best-practices, as can be witness on our constantly evolving changelog pages for Android and iOS.

All the info you need to get started:

For any question abour our leading Customer Engagement Platform, how to implement push notifications for Android or to chat with our sales team, please contact us.

Arnaud Barisain-Monrose

Staff Engineer

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