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Connect Batch to D-AIM

Turbocharge your push notification campaigns with D-AIM's unique AI-powered segmentation technology.

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What is D-AIM?

D-AIM is a SaaS editor, expert in predictive and decision-making marketing. They accompany their clients with the adoption of individuation® marketing based on the cooperation between Artificial and Human Intelligence.

D-AIM enables marketers to focus on their creative potential by entrusting artificial intelligence with the responsibility of identifying the most relevant opportunities to communicate with each of their consumers in a more ethical and empathetic manner.

The company is present in Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle East. Its solutions are deployed by leading players in retail, media, telecom and banking-insurance

Why should you connect D-AIM?

Benefit from advanced, ready-to-use customer knowledge to address the right targets at the right time.

This connector allows Batch clients to automatically arbitrate and trigger the most relevant messages while respecting the singularity of each consumer, to focus their effort on the best levers for conversion and loyalty, to improve productivity and optimize the ROI of campaigns.