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Connect Batch to CM

Send mails, SMS and push notifications from a unique platform.

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What is CM?

CM solution is a critical part in successful brands' marketing stack as it allows CRM teams to operate not only push notifications but extra engagement channels such as mail or SMS. This allows marketers to manage their whole CRM strategy from a unique platform, allowing a fine tuning of marketing pressure and customer journeys.


Why should you connect CM?

Leverage all available channels together

This connector allows Batch customers to send their campaign seamlessly from CM solution. Doing so, they will be able to combine mobile engagement via push notifications to support ticketing, sms, emails, to create relevant segmentation and interesting campaigns for their users.

Batch will also share native attributes (like push optin state) to CM to improve segmentation on any medium.

Improve your CRM reporting

Batch will send CM all campaigns results for automation and analytics purposes, so Batch customers can easily compare different channels performance in a single interface.