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Security: reset your REST API Key anytime with complete autonomy


20 Oct 2023 · Written by Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

We are happy to introduce the REST API Key Reset feature, now accessible directly from your Batch dashboard.

With this product update, Batch users with Administrate rights can reset their REST API keys conveniently through the Company Settings section.

Why does this feature matter?

The REST API Key is a highly sensitive credential that grants access to Batch APIs, including functions for sending data and messages.

In the unfortunate event of a key leak, immediate reset capability is essential for security and compliance. Prior to this release, you had to go through the Batch support team.

Key functional enhancements

New APIs section in Company Settings for admin users: we've introduced a dedicated "APIs" section within the Company Settings, empowering admin users to view and reset the REST API Key. Please note that this process is accompanied by a series of warnings to ensure security.

Immediate and irreversible reset: resetting the REST API Key is an immediate and irreversible action, precisely as it should be to maintain the highest level of security.

Your customer experience improvement

Before this update, requesting a REST API Key reset involved a multi-step process:

  1. Sending an email to Batch support.
  2. Waiting for a response.
  3. Scheduling a reset time.

The Batch client benefits now: with this release, our clients can autonomously reset their REST Key directly from the dashboard, completely bypassing the need for support or Batch's technical team.


Who can benefit? All our clients can benefit from this feature, without incurring any additional cost. In terms of usage, this security feature is exclusively available to Batch users with the Administrate rights.

Plans & Pricing: what’s the cost of this feature? This feature is immediately available at no extra cost for all our clients.

How do we activate this feature? The REST API Key Reset feature is immediately available to enhance your security and peace of mind right now.

Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Product Marketing Manager @ Batch

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