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Profile View: displaying new native attributes


22 Nov 2023 · Written by Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Our product and tech teams are happy to share some Profile View improvements!

Constantly delivering a personalised customer experience requires a real time understanding of your user's interactions and preferences.

In this regard, to give you a more comprehensive understanding of your users, we have now included additional native attributes in the Profile View.

What’s new?

The Profile View now displays:

  • Timezone: Better understand where your users are located to tailor your communications accordingly.
  • Last Email Click Date (with Transactional/Marketing breakdown): Track when users last engaged with your emails, helping you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Last Email Open Date (with Transactional/Marketing breakdown): Monitor when users last opened your emails, providing insights into their engagement levels.

Why this matters

These attributes were previously stored, but not visible on the Profile View. They are used to:

  • Enable Local Time Sending: Schedule your communications based on the user's local time for increased relevance and engagement.
  • Facilitate Targeted Marketing: Use data on the last email click or open to refine your marketing strategies and reach users more effectively.

For your team, this Profile view update streamlines debug and support challenges.

Your benefits

Business wise, this new Profile View feature empowers your customer engagement strategy execution with:

  • Critical insights, such as user timezone and email engagement data, enhancing personalized communication and marketing strategies.
  • Simplified workflows, reducing reliance on Batch support, and enabling more targeted and effective user interactions.

A functional reminder on the Profile View

The Profile View provides a detailed, always up to date, overview of your users. It encompasses a wide range of information, such as identifiers, attributes, and a live feed of events.

This data allows you to enhance your understanding of your audience, establish engagement and build connections with them effectively.


Who can benefit this feature? Batch users who have access to the omnichannel dashboard.

Plans & pricing: what’s the cost of this feature? This feature is available at no extra cost.

How do we activate this feature? The feature is immediately available for all companies using the profile-based omnichannel data model.

Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Product Marketing Manager @ Batch

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