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Practical information

Data Privacy: the true differentiators of being EU-based.

Data Privacy: the true differentiators of being EU-based.

As you probably know, the American Cloud Act violates the European RGPD rules and forces companies with servers based in the US to share their data and those of their users with various organizations (NSA, CIA...)

The fact is that today, ALL our competitors use American servers, thus subject to the Cloud Act and expose your customers data! 

Batch, unlike its competitors, did not want to give in to the use of the public cloud, for several reasons: 

  • Maximize data protection 

  • Avoid storage overhead 

  • Offer a longer data history

  • Guarantee real-time derivability..

Choosing Batch is therefore a security choice:

  • Being the only EU-based platform of our kind which makes us impervious to extraterritorial privacy-abusing laws such as the US’s Cloud Act and others ;

  • Unique infrastructure design choices: we’ve chosen to use private hardware exclusively, not public clouds.

"One of the criteria we used to choose Batch was that it was a 100% European solution hosted on French servers and therefore in the European Union. From a data security point of view, it would have been a problem for BNP Paribas if this was not the case."
author image
Digital Acquisition and Mobile Evangelist
BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Download our guide and discover why it is essential to use a compliant tool and how to make the best choice for the protection of your customer data! 

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