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Case Study

How MADSACK’s RND leverages Batch to grow Active Fans & Digital Subscriptions

How MADSACK’s RND leverages Batch to grow Active Fans  & Digital Subscriptions

Who is RND?

RND is the flagship brand of the German media group MADSACK Mediengruppe (4,000+ employees, 220k digital subscriptions, 780M€ turnover in 2022).

RND en chiffres :

  • 6.1M readers per day;

  • 2.2M editions per day;

  • 70+ media partners;

  • 100M digital visits per month;

  • 5.6M podcast listeners;

  • 200k newsletter subscribers.

Business Case RND x Batch

If you're a media company concerned about audience engagement and loyalty, and you're looking to grow your digital subscriptions, this case study is for you.

Presented on stage at the 2023 Piano Academy Live in by Alexander Solisch, Product Manager at MADSACK Mediengruppe, this case study explains how to:

  • Transform anonymous viewers into subscribers;

  • Expand your active fans audience;

  • Reduce churn thanks to the native integration of the two Batch x Piano solutions.

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