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Connect Batch to Skeepers

Connect Batch to Skeepers

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What is Skeepers?

Skeepers is a brand that offers a comprehensive platform consisting of six solutions designed to optimise your customer engagement and marketing strategy.

With Skeepers, you can enhance your brand's visibility and awareness, improve your e-reputation, build strong relationships with customers, boost conversion rates, humanize your customer journeys, and rethink and challenge your offers.

Skeepers' platform brings together a range of SaaS solutions that are scalable and modular, allowing you to tailor them to each stage of the customer journey. This solution includes:

  • Live Shopping, which enables you to create and manage live shopping events;

  • Influencer Marketing, which simplifies the activation of brand ambassadors;

  • Feedback Management, which collects and manages customer feedback;

  • Ratings & Reviews, which leverages authentic reviews to improve your online reputation;

  • Consumer Videos, which involves your community in creating inspiring videos;

  • Customer Data Activation, which utilises AI predictive models to leverage customer data.

With Skeepers, you can deepen your connection with your customers, enhance your customer experience, and ultimately grow your brand.

Join the more than 8,000 companies and brands that trust Skeepers to take their brand-customer relationships to new heights.