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Connect Batch to Didomi

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What is Didomi?

Didomi is a platform for simplifying and optimising consent management on websites, mobile applications and connected TVs.

Didomi also offers a multi-channel preference management centre, which allows you to update your customers' communication preferences (unsubscribe, send frequency, type of content, etc.) within your databases and CRMs (Salesforce, Hubspot or Adobe Campaign).

Why Didomi?

The tool allows you to set up a fully customisable consent banner, so that web users accept the use of tracking devices such as cookies or pixels. You can choose the format (pop-up, sticky, etc.), modify the design or adapt the text to your needs.

This data is then stored within the Didomi platform, with a history and legal proof of consent. It is also possible to share consent statuses internally or with third parties thanks to the open APIs and integrations available.

The platform offers a statistics dashboard for analysing the consent rate, the user register and variations in behaviour, in order to improve the level of trust among Internet users.