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Sync your Amplitude Cohorts with Batch to optimise your mobile CRM campaigns targeting capacities


8 Jan 2024 · Written by Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

We’re pleased to announce a new Batch integration with Amplitude.

This integration update empowers the Batch users to synchronise their Amplitude Cohorts - defined by Amplitude as a group of users who share a trait or set of traits - directly with Batch, enhancing the targeting capabilities of their mobile engagement campaigns.

What’s new?

Amplitude is a product analytics platform designed to help businesses understand and optimise user engagement and product usage. This provides actionable tools and insights that enable companies to make data-driven decisions, continuously improving their digital products and user experiences.

This new Amplitude x Batch integration enables our joint customers to use Amplitude Cohorts as Custom Audiences in your Batch Push and In-App Campaigns, unlocking different strategic mobile marketing use cases (see the main use cases section below).

How to use your Amplitude Cohorts in the Batch Dashboard?

To locate and use the Amplitude Cohorts in the Batch Dashboard, we invite you to read this Batch help centre article.

When the Cohort is synced to Batch, it appears in the Audiences tab of the dashboard, as shown below:


Select the Amplitude Cohort in the Batch targeting section of the Campaign Builder to use it in a Push or In-App campaign. This is useful if you want to include or exclude a segment of users from your campaign:


Main Use Cases

The integration of Batch with Amplitude opens up several specific use cases that enhance mobile marketing strategies, such as:

1. Trigger Automations: By syncing user cohorts from Amplitude to Batch, businesses can conduct more focused Push or In-App campaigns. A typical example includes targeting users who abandoned their shopping carts with tailored notifications offering discounts, encouraging them to complete their purchases.

2. Retention & Re-Engagement Campaigns: This integration allows for the identification and syncing of cohorts who have not interacted with the app or website for a certain period. These users can then be re-engaged with personalised content or updates, based on their previous interactions, to draw them back to the platform.

3. Product Feedback and Updates: For users who frequently engage with specific features of an app or service, syncing this cohort information to Batch enables sending targeted notifications about feature updates, improvements, or seeking feedback, ensuring the messages reach the most relevant user group.

Who can use this integration?

The Batch x Amplitude integration is accessible to a specific group of customers under certain conditions:

1. Both Paid Amplitude and Batch Plans: Customers must have active paid plans with Amplitude, Users should have a paid subscription to Batch.

2. Project-Specific Activation: The integration needs to be enabled for each Amplitude project where it is intended to be used.

3. Batch Platform Requirements: The integration requires the use of custom audiences and third-party connections within Batch.

4. Matching Identifiers: The user IDs that compose your Amplitude Cohorts need to be of the same type of identifier as the Custom User ID tracked in Batch from your mobile apps, your website or Batch's Installation IDs if tracked in Amplitude.

How to activate this integration?

If you meet the above conditions, you need to set up your cohorts in Amplitude to activate this integration.

All the relevant information to set up this Amplitude x Batch integration are in this article: Send Cohorts to Batch Amplitude documentation > setup section.

For more information, please contact your Batch Customer Success Manager or

Pierre Tâm-Anh Le Khac

Product Marketing Manager @ Batch

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