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Web Push: secure your opted-in users’ engagement with the triggered WELCOME BUTTON

CRM Strategies

13 Apr 2022 · Written by Batch

Creating memorable onboarding sequences is an very critical step for engaging your visitors on the long-run and normalizing your brand in their daily lives.

**Big News: you can now automate ultra-engaging web push on-boarding sequences in minutes with the Trigger orchestration campaign and its native SUBSCRIPTION event! ⚡️ **

Your relevant first messages following registration, both in content and timing, will certainly lay a solid foundation in your relationship with your new opt-in users.

From the very beginning, interact with your users to:

  • deliver reassurance messages on your guarantees;

  • push a unique offer;

  • remind them of the value of your service;

  • or simply inform them about the types of communications they will receive via pushes.

**Automate your onboarding sequences in 2 clicks **

Our new “SUBSCRIPTION” native event, available by default on your Batch configuration, enables you to automate your Onboarding scenarios on the Push Web channel.

To set up your “Welcome Sequence”, go to your Push Web campaign creation dashboard, then select the “TRIGGER” orchestration option, and then select “SUBSCRIPTION” from the various available “Trigger Events”:

Then simply set up the delay between subscribing to notifications and sending your “Welcome Push”: either immediately, or after a certain period of time you define yourself: 3 min, 2 hours, 4 days, etc. That's on you to decide the most relevant timing!

As a reminder, we explain in detail how to set up a Trigger campaign in our documentation.

Keep pushing! 🚀


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